Saturday, December 10, 2011


hello n assalamualaikum all blogers..dunia baru?..what happen with my new life?..if i am given the opportunity,,i wanna share all my stories with all of u..but i know i cant..there are some stories that i cant tell u all bcoz it is my own secret..only a few people who i believed will be story mory to them..hehehe..the first thing y ptt korg tau la kan,,my new life n tha rse b'smgt smcm..hee..tataula knp..smp kn tha sggp ketepikan md y tlalu pntg dlm hdp tha iaitu bf..hee..korg jgn na pk bkn2 laa..since i studied in uitm jengka,,i have start a new life dengan penuh 'bersemangat waja' utk mengejar cita-citaku y tggi..haha..cewahh..huhuhu..tha dkt jengka so far okaylaa..i am very happy with all my roomates..tp kannnn..dlm happy2 tuh,,ad jgk smtg y tha sgt2 tidak suka..ap md tuh tha xblh kongsi takut ad y terguris hati..tha bertahan dkt ctuh bcoz of my roomate n classmate tha iaitu acap n y lain la..stkt n blaja pn ok la,,xdela ssah sgt..alhamdulillah blh bwk..hopefully tha akn dpt kerja y okay nt..pray for me ok..in my cls,,tha as assistant cr..huahua..mcm xprcye kn..actually tha sdri xprcye..da lme kot tha xjd ass n..last tha jd ass tyme stndrd3 or 4 if xsilap..lgpn tha mle2 dlm cls pn mcm malu2 je kn,,diam je..tbe2 ad org lantik..haish!..mula2 mmg fkr 2 3 kali jgkla..tp tha cbela kn..n skrg rse mcm ok sbb xde krja sgt pun sbb cr cls tha mmg berdedikasi habeslaa..haha..lupe plk..i'm taking course office management (OM114) in class 1A..na dgr cerita psl MDS x?..minggu destini siswa like orientasi laa..pehh MDS kt uitm jengka mmg terbaiklaaaa kan..xpnh aku kena mcm tuh..haish!..tp skg ok da..hehe..em cbe bygkn kul2 3 pg da kena b'kumpul kt bwh..bgn plk ku bp kn?..mmg pnt gila laa rasa..lps tuh kan,,dr pg tuh kteorg xd'benarkan msk bilik smp 12 tgh mlm..grr dgn xmnd ny..geram gila ah..tp na bt mcm mne,,terpakse laa kn..huhu..seminggu jee kot..lepas habis orientasi lega habessss..huhu..masok class mcm biase then m'jalani rutin harian sbg seorang siswi..begitulaa cerita kehidupanku di jengka *kampus khazanah alam..hehe..wlupn hutan tmpt dye bestla..hee k la korg..stop cni dl ye..da lewat mlm da n..mate pun da mengantuk..waaaaaaa hujan plk sdpnyeee tdo n..huhu..ap pn,,doakn k'jayaan tha dunia akhirat ye..thank you..bubye..goodnight n sweet dream..i love u all..muah muah..<3

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